Enterprise Days
Pickled Pepper Books has set up an enterprise initiative with the aim to inspire reading and entrepreneurial skills in schools. The Pickled Pepper team teach students how to set up and run their own bookshop, market new titles and spread enthusiasm for reading.
This enterprise project gives students the opportunity to design, plan and run their own pop-up bookshop and to keep their pop-up profit to use for books and book related events to further promote reading.
Students take part in a Dragon’s Den style challenge and are split into groups with the aim of pitching to run a pop-up bookshop at their school. They will work through a number of business related tasks before they present their ideas to a panel of ‘Dragons’.
The process has a strong business and enterprise focus as well as inspiring reading with your whole school community. Students will develop transferable skills such as teamwork and confidence in public speaking, and represents a fantastic opportunity for students to engage with books for pleasure. It also is a great opportunity for schools to showcase themselves in the local media.
For more information email education@pickledpepperbooks.co.uk.

Our dedicated schools service also provides author visits, either to your school or hosted at our bookshop as a school trip, and book supply.