Open Mon-Sat 9.30-5.30, Sun 11-4,

Collection: Spread a Smile Intensive Care Library Project

Spread a Smile is a charity that provides entertainment to seriously and terminally ill children and their families at hospitals across London and beyond. They send teams of talented entertainers such as magicians, storytellers, singers, musicians, therapy dogs, artists and more into hospitals to visit children and young people at the bedside to distract them from the monotony of long hospital stays and to bring some much needed light and laughter. Please visit their website here to find out more about Spread a Smile.

Spread a Smile have selected a list of storybooks for a new project they are running in Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) at some of the hospitals they support. Their aim is to provide an easily accessible library so parents can read appropriate and interesting stories to their baby or child as well as giving parents something comforting to do during this distressing time. 

Spread a Smile would be so appreciative if you would consider purchasing a book from the list below; it might be a book your child enjoys / enjoyed. This donation will make a meaningful difference to the lives of seriously ill children and their parents in intensive care. 

Thank you so much for your support. All of us at Pickled Pepper Books are so incredibly grateful for any support you can give us for this worthy cause.


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    Jamie Smart
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